
Posted by AlexXx | Posted in

cHeVellE - tHe bLuE AlBuM dEmO 1997

01 Skeptic
02 Peer
03 Sma
04 Long
05 Tom
06 Tetelestai

cHeVellE - pOiNt #1 1999

01 Open
02 Point #1
03 Prove to You
04 Mia
05 Skeptic
06 Anticipation
07 Dos
08 Long
09 Blank Earth
10 Sma
11 Peer

cHeVellE - wOnDeR wHaT´s NeXt 2002

01 Family System
02 Comfortable Liar
03 Send the Pain Below
04 Closure
05 The Red
06 Wonder What's Next
07 Don't Fake This
08 Forfeit
09 Grab Thy Hand
10 An Evening With El Diablo
11 One Lonely Visitor

cHeVellE - lIvE fRoM tHe rOaD 2003

01 Family System
02 Forfeit
03 Point #1
04 Until You`re Reformed
05 Send The Pain Below
06 SMA
07 Wonder What`s Next
08 MIA
09 Grab Thy Hand
10 The Red

cHeVellE - tHiS tYpE oF tHiNkInG (cOuLd dO uS iN) 2004

01 The Clincher
02 Get Some
03 Vitamin R (Leading Us Along)
04 Still Running
05 Breach Birth
06 Panic Prone
07 Another Know It All
08 Tug-O-War
09 To Return
10 Emotional Drought
11 Bend The Bracket

cHeVellE - vEnA sErA 2007

01 Antisaint
02 Brainiac
03 Saferwaters
04 Well Enough Alone
05 Straight Jacket Fashion
06 The Fad
07 Humanoid
08 Paint The Seconds
09 Midnight to Midnight
10 I Get It
11 Saturdays

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